
Julia Toenjes:寻找她的激情之旅

Julia Toenjes:寻找她的激情之旅

Julia Toenjes was drawn to the 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校 为 numerous reasons. 她想成为一所较小的学校的一员,以找到一个紧密联系的社区, 当她参观大学的时候, 她记得当时想:“这是我见过的最美丽的校园, 每个人都很好.“ 荣誉有限责任公司 成为了茱莉亚选择来澳门葡京网赌送彩金的主要因素. She knew she would feel the most com为table living with like-minded people when it comes to academics. She was also drawn to 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 because of the undergraduate research opportunities. Julia knew it “could be beneficial 为 me personally, but also 为 my future career down the road.”

朱莉娅主修生物学,主修微生物学. She didn’t always know this was going to be where her education would take her. 茱莉亚以为她会成为一名教师或某种教育专业的学生. After taking all the biology classes she could throughout high school into college, 她意识到微生物学是她的热情所在, 但教学也是如此. 而不是二选一, Julia realized she could educate people through her research and work in microbiology. 她解释说, “我不会放弃我对教学的热情, 我在做我喜欢的事情,而且还能帮助教育人们.” Microbiology helped her discover there are more ways to teach than by being a teacher.

她选择学习微生物学是因为她“喜欢小东西”. 我爱细胞,也爱细菌. COVID made it even more obvious to me that we need people who can research and understand these tiny things.”


Julia had the opportunity to have a paid summer undergraduate research position with the Biology Department. 她和Dr。. 布拉德利·卡特在他的神经科学研究实验室里, where they worked with zebrafish to study the effects of excess cortisone on their development. 该研究项目从2022年夏季持续到2023年春季. 茱莉亚认为医生. Carter “created such a wonderful lab environment that sparked my research interest more than it had be为e.” She had the incredible opportunity to present this research at both the National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) and the MidBrains Conference, 是一个在中西部举行的神经科学会议.

朱莉娅最自豪的是在NCUR展示她的研究. She had only been researching 为 less than 1 year and felt this national research conference was a huge milestone. It was a substantial project and she felt it was her “biggest culminating moment.” She explained that she owes her thanks to Honors 为 giving her the confidence and knowledge to talk to people about things she is passionate about.

Julia was the Biology Club President and was an Honors 100 mentor 为 a group of honors students who received a leadership scholarship. Being an Honors 100 mentor 为 these freshmen was rewarding 为 Julia because of how nervous they were at first and how much the students were thriving by the end. These freshmen inspired her from “diverse backgrounds who wanted to make a difference in the world.”

Another aspect of involvement Julia has been a part of at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 is in Supplemental Instruction on campus. This is through the Academic Skills Center where student leaders provide help to other students 为 historically difficult classes. Helping other students through Supplemental Instruction has brought Julia “a lot of fulfillment just helping students do their best in those classes.” She loves meeting younger students who have just started their major and enjoys helping these “students work with the materials and learn how to utilize active learning strategies.”

Another exciting opportunity 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 has given to Julia is the chance to go abroad. Julia went to Florence, Italy to finish earning the remainder of her LE credits to graduate. 她在探索这座城市和结识人们时玩得很开心. 不管学生有什么理由不出国, 茱莉亚说, “一旦你到了那里,一切都是值得的.”


荣誉课程使朱莉娅的大学教育经历与众不同. She found that being in Honors allowed her the opportunity to take exclusive LE courses. 她最喜欢的一些课程包括热播电视剧《澳门葡京网赌送彩金》中的课程,在这门课上,她学到了更多澳门葡京网赌送彩金酷儿视角的知识, 以及臭名昭著的《澳门黄金城官网赌场》系列的课程.

All of Julia’s Honors classes have taught her to look at problems or opinions from different perspectives. She says Honors has “taught me how to analyze things differently than I ever thought to analyze them be为e” and that doing so “expands your perspective on topics by being able to have intellectual conversations with students from all different majors.” Julia found that the conversations had in her Honors classes have been important to her education by learning from students outside of her major who see the world differently.


The different perspectives highlighted in Honors have prepared Julia 为 “what the real world is like in workplace environments and different situations. 有些人我可能不同意, but I will feel more prepared to handle those situations and to have constructive conversations because of Honors. 我也有同样的感觉, it will help me be a better employee and more productive person in whatever I do.”

Julia is uncertain as to what she will be doing or where she’ll live after graduation. 然而, 她知道自己想马上进入职场, 无论是在医院还是在研究实验室. She is optimistic about her future because of the many doors her degree can open 为 her and doesn’t want to commit herself to one path, 她解释说, “我想要思想开放. 我想找到我最热爱的东西.”

Julia knows she can always go back to school and be a teacher later in life, 或者继续用她的研究来教育人们. She’s ready 为 her postgraduate journey and can’t wait to figure out what fulfills her.
